Lloyd Howells – (Horrid Henry: The Movie – 2011).

I recently got the chance to talk to Lloyd Howells about his role in ‘Horrid Henry: The Movie’. Here, Lloyd talks about what it was like working with the cast and crew and what his favourite subjects are at school…

Hey Lloyd. Thanks for taking the time out to speak to me – ‘Horrid Henry: The Movie’ is currently in UK cinemas right now.

For anyone who hasn’t seen the film yet, what is the general plotline?

The film is a great film for young children. I think older parents won’t get the film’s sense of humour. Anyway the story is about a group of boys and girls hating each other at the beginning of the film and then joining together and saving their school from the evil villain played by Richard E. Grant who wants to make lots of money by closing down all the schools in the area and then forcing the parents to have to pay to attend his school.

Tell us a bit about the character you play in the movie…

I play Rude Ralph in the film. He’s Henry’s best friend and wherever he goes I go. He can be a bit naughty at times and is always involved with Henry and his tricks. He also gets into lots of trouble himself. Like Henry he loves music and plays guitar and sings in their band the Zero Zombies.

How did you get involved in the project in the first place?

I first got involved with the ‘Horrid Henry’ film when my agent sent me a script and asked me to go up to an audition in London. There was hundreds of children there waiting their turn. I don’t really like crowds so my Dad and I sat on some stairs quietly till it was my turn to go in. We went in groups of about five or six at first. The whole thing lasted about twenty minutes. Dad and I then went home and a few days later my agent rang to say they liked me and would I go back and see them again. The next time up to London was to a different place and some other people were there as well as the people who first interviewed me. Yet again same as before I was asked to read and act, and then I went back home. Another few days past and again back up to London to be seen by other people. It was like being in a football competition. There was about five rounds before they said I had got the part.

The film stars Anjelica Huston, Parminder Nagra, Richard E. Grant and….Dick And Dom, with Nick Moore onboard as director – what was it like working with the cast and crew on-set?

Although the grown up actors were really well-known they treated us all very well. It was like being in a big family. I had caught a bad cold when we were filming and didn’t feel very well one day on set and Anjelica Houston was just like a Mum to me. She was very kind and looked after me. A gang of us were invited to her trailer and we had lunch with her. She was lovely. Dick and Dom were also great to be with. They kept shouting out “Bogies” all the time when they shouldn’t. They are really, really funny. Nick the director was brilliant. He was really gentle and kind. He made you feel very relaxed, and really praised you when you did well. I just hope they make a sequel because I made so many good friends on-set.

The whole film is set in and around Ashton School – do you yourself like school? Do you have any favourite subjects?

I have just left my old school Felbridge Primary and now I’m moving on to my next, School Sackville in East Grinstead. Most of my classmates are going to another school because they live in a different area. I shall miss them very much. Felbridge was great. I like school and my favourite subjects are history and literacy. I also like PE as well. But, not maths!

Let’s talk a bit about you Lloyd. What made you want to get into acting in the first place?

How did I get into acting? Well my brother Ashley is a three years older than me and he is a very good actor. He’s just got into the Brits Academy. He has an agent and when my Mum took him to speak with her I went with them. Whilst we were there Ash and I started messing about on a stage they had there. We didn’t know they could see us – we thought they were in the office. Anyway, they weren’t and they saw us messing and the agent said I should audition properly for her and I should perhaps take some acting lessons. The next thing I know I’m on the telly doing an advert with Gary Rhodes for Flora. I like acting and I enjoy singing and I also like football.

What is currently on your I-Pod?

My I-Pod well, my favourite is Linkin Park. Love them, I love the songs they made for the ‘Transformers’ films. Brilliant! I also like Green Day and Dave Days.  I have lots of his songs too.

What roles would you like to do in ten years time?

If I am lucky I would love to do films such as James Bond or any action type movies. I might even make my own. Anything with Megan Fox in would be brilliant too. I have her picture on my bedroom wall. Ash bought it for me for Christmas.

What does a Lloyd Howells day usually consist of?

If I am lucky I would like to stay in bed all day. Play on my PS3, or on my computer and just relax. But Dad is always onto me about tidying my bedroom or whatever. At weekends I play in a football team called the Meads so I have to get up fairly early. Saturdays are usually football in the morning with drama classes in the afternoon. Homework on Sundays.

What has been the most interesting piece of local / national news you’ve heard in the last month?

I must be honest I don’t listen much to the news much but I did see the news story the other day about a man shooting a lot of teenagers in Norway. It made me very sad.

What’s coming up for you in 2011?

What is coming up for me in 2011? Well I start a new school in September. Hopefully there will be a new film role coming soon. But we will just have to see what happens.

Thanks for the interview!

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