Kat Fiore – (Hatchet II – 2011).

I recently got the chance to talk to Kat Fiore about her role in the newest instalment of the ‘Hatchet’ series. Here, Kat talks about what fans can expect from ‘Hatchet II’ and what it was like working with the cast and crew on-set…

Hey Kat. Thanks for taking the time out to talk to me. Of course we‘re here to talk to you about your new film ‘Hatchet II’ – which had it’s DVD premiere on 27th August 2011.

What can fans of ’Hatchet’ expect from this installment?

Well, first of all, fans can expect Adam Green’s signature blend of horror and comedy. No-one does it better than Adam. This movie picks up right where ‘Hatchet left off. In this one, you get a lot more of the history and lore surrounding Victor Crowley. It’s really terrifying. And the kills in ‘Hatchet 2’ are even more horrifying than in ‘Hatchet‘. The movie is really amazing. It’s scary and fun and thrilling and so many of the great characters from ‘Hatchetare back.

How did you get involved in the franchise in the first place?

My best friend, Sarah Elbert, produced ‘Hatchet and I got to know Adam through Sarah. I was a huge fan of the first movie and, when they were casting ‘Hatchet 2, Sarah and Adam called and asked if I wanted to play Cheyenne Crowley. I was so excited!!! I am an avid horror fan! My whole family is. I saw ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the first time when I was five! And, many times, I would come home from school to find my Dad in a mask with a meat cleaver attempting to chop off my Grandmother’s head. It wasn’t even Halloween.

Tell us a bit about the character you play in the movie…

I don’t want to ruin anything for those who have not seen it yet…but let’s just say that my character has a lot to do with how Victor Crowley came to be. I loved playing Cheyenne. The first day on set, Adam told me that, in his opinion, one the scariest moments on film is the scene in ‘Pet Cemetery’ where the hideously deformed sister, Zelda, is revealed. He said he thinks about that scene all the time and that it terrifies him. Funny thing is, that is my all-time favorite scary moment too. Adam said he wanted the reveal of my character to be the new “Zelda moment”. I knew exactly what he meant. And I think we did it. Everyone says my character is genuinely terrifying. I don’t look anything like myself – the make up took hours and Rileah Vanderbilt (Adam’s wife and the makeup artist on the movie) did a phenomenal job. My poor husband was afraid to go home with me after the screening!

How would you say this film tries to be different and unique to both it‘s predecessor and genre?

Well, again, Adam has a unique talent for mixing horror with comedy. He can make you scream and then laugh a second later. I love that about his films. Adam also pays homage to the great films such as ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ with how gory he makes the movie. I think ‘Hatchet 2’ is different because it really delves into the history of the story in a way that most films don’t.

The film stars Danielle Harris, Tony Todd, Kane Hodder and Parry Shen – with Adam Green onboard as director – what was it like working with the cast and crew on-set?

It was a fantastic experience. Most of my scenes were with Kane and he was amazing to work with. He’s such a sweet, caring, wonderful guy. And a terrific actor. He brought so much depth to the role. Danielle and Perry are fabulous. Danielle is so great in ‘Hatchet 2’ and Perry is every bit as hilarious in ‘Hatchet 2’ as he was in ‘Hatchet’. Adam’s sets are always so much fun. He loves what he does and it makes for a great working environment.

Let’s talk a bit about you Kat. What made you want to get into acting in the first place?

My father is an actor so I grew up on sets. My mom was an actor as well – she and my Dad had a comedy act in the 60’s and 70’s so I guess it is just in the genes. Everyone was always performing around the house so it just felt natural to become an actor.

We should mention that you’re also a voice-artist, who has appeared in two ‘Metal Gear’ games, two ‘Spiderman’ games and ‘Everquest II’. What advice would you give to anyone wanting to get into the voice industry? I’ve heard it’s a tough profession, more so than acting….

It is definitely tough, but that shouldn’t discourage anyone. I think having a great demo is important. The demo should show a real vocal range. The next step is to get that demo to as many agents as possible. Voicebank.net is a great resource – you can listen to real demos of working voice actors and see what people are doing.

Out of all the games you’ve done – which character has been your favourite to voice?

I think I would have to say ‘Everquest II’. It was so much fun because I got to voice so many different characters.

Just looking at your IMDB listing, I found something that piqued my interest. You were briefly in ‘Mission Impossible III’ – what was it like working with the cast and crew on-set? Did you get to meet Tom?

I did meet Tom! I had a few scenes with him and, I have to say, he was incredible to work with. He is so kind and so funny and so generous and we had a blast. And JJ Abrams is such a phenomenal director. I loved working on that film.

What is currently on your I-Pod right now?

Adele, Nina Simone, The Backstreet Boys , Fountains of Wayne, Foster The People and Nicki Minaj.

In your opinion, what has been the most important invention of the 21st century?

The iPad. And ‘America’s Got Talent’.

What’s coming up for you in 2011/12?

I’m really excited because I start shooting a new series this October! It is an hour-long comedy for TBS called ‘The Wedding Band’. It’s a wonderfully hilarious show also starring Brian Austin Green, Melora Hardin, Peter Cambor, Harold Perrineau, Derek Miller and Jenny Wade. Everyone should check it out!

Thanks for the interview!

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